

Factory Visit

Yesterday went to the Factory which produces the Kiosk, the place is quite far away from the office and took nearly 45 mins to get there by car.

In the journey, saw many parents bring their children back from school by motor... sounds like v. dangerous.

For a kidnapper, the factory is virtually a perfect place for keeping hostage. Just like the one you see in movies. I have never been to a factory b4,,,, i guess this is my once-of-my-lifetime visit.....as the places filled with Paint Thinner....


Ring Road

In BJ, there are many roads with names like XXXX 2nd ringroad; xxxx 3rd ringroad; .........

I have no idea about what's ring road is tho i have read the definition in Wiki

What I visited for the very first weekkk

Wang Fu Jing Dai Jian

Beef / Chicken / Lamb BBQsss Traditional Sweet in many fruits flavors

The 4-storey (?) Bookstore: -
BJer like reading so much!!! This Bank of Beijing looks so cool....

Official Apple Store at Sanlitun

What can u see from the car??

Nothing is impossible, e.g. your career, the stock market, etc.

I love the bamboo scroll about the ancestor of your family name, but it costs u RMB 498....

The Opposite House at Sanlitun

The Ghost Street

Cat. The Shop


First Week in Beijing

What I ate for the very first week at Beijing...

This is my home-cooked dinner